
Filters are documented inside django-pyston. Is core uses Pyston filters to generate list view. Every column can contain form input which accepts inputu data. There is several options how is django widget which is used for rendering HTML of filter input:


Django-is-core provedes special mixin for filters that adds posibility to change rendered widget inside filter class, example exclude ForeignKeyFilter with posibility to restrict field queryset choices:

class RestrictedFkFilter(UIFilterMixin, ForeignKeyFilter):

    def get_restricted_queryset(self, qs, request):
        # There can be foreign key queryset restricted
        return qs

    def get_widget(self, request):
        formfield = self.field.formfield()
        formfield.queryset = self.get_restricted_queryset(formfield.queryset, request)
        return formfield.widget

Field filter

There is two possibilities. If filter has set choices attribute, filter is always select box with filter choices. If not filter is obtained from model field by using method formfield.

Method/Resource filter

There is applied same rule as for field filter, but if choices is not defined is returned simple text input.